Recette: Appétissant Pounti

Pounti. Pounti is a paté with vegetables and meat, with a brown surface and a green stuffing inside with a few whole prunes. It is traditionally cooked in a cast iron casserole dish, then cut into slices. Pounti is a traditional dish from Cantal and Aveyron, two regions in Southern Auvergne.

Pounti The terrine batter itself is made of eggs, flour, milk, cream and/or butter. When made with pork, spinach, Swiss chard, onions, prunes and herbs, pounti takes on the flavors of the northern Cantal region. The version made at the Auberge de Margaridou has the delicious aroma of poultry, and when Florence can get her hands on a nice guinea fowl, it is used in the pounti. Vous pouvez cuisiner Pounti utilisant 9 Ingrédients et 5 instructions. Voici comment vous cuisinez ça.

ingrédients de la recette Pounti

  1. Vous avez besoin 3 of à 4 feuilles de blettes.
  2. Vous avez besoin 1/2 botte of persil.
  3. Vous avez besoin 1 of gros oignon ou 3 ou 4 petits.
  4. C'est 200 g of poitrine de porc ou lardons.
  5. Vous avez besoin 5 of œufs.
  6. C'est 225 g of farine.
  7. C'est 20 cl of lait.
  8. C'est 300 of à 400g de pruneaux.
  9. Vous avez besoin of Sel et poivre.

Pounti, a traditional dish baked in a rectangular bread tin or earthenware terrine, can still be found on sale today in most Auvergnat charcuteries. Its ingredients are as outlandish as its name is melodious (it derives from an Occitan word, pontar, meaning 'to chop coarsely'). Pounti, a savory cake from Auvergne The food of the Auvergne is rustic and filling. It's the kind of food people living in a chilly climate need, especially when their life requires spending a lot of time outdoors.

Pounti instructions de recette

  1. Préparer tout les ingrédients.
  2. Enlever les côtes des blettes pour ne garder que les feuilles, éplucher l'oignon. Mixer avec un robot les feuilles de blettes, le persil, l'oignon et la poitrine ou lardons..
  3. Ajouter les œufs, la farine, sel, poivre et le lait.Mixer a nouveau.
  4. Incorporer les pruneaux entier dans cette préparation. Beurrez un moule à cake de 30 cm et versez la préparation..
  5. Mettre au four chaleur tournante a 180 degrés pour 1h15 min La lame du couteau doit ressortir sèche..

Cabbage, potatoes, cheese, bread, and cured pork products — hams and sausages — are staples. While the oil is heating, you can begin to warm your gravy. Recently I added a new egg dish to my repertoire, when I discovered pounti in Clifford A. He refers to this revelation from the Auvergne region of France as a vegetable flan, which immediately caught my attention because it suggested some sort of quiche—without the crust. But that was only the beginning.


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